At Illuminare Management Group we have worked with wealthy individuals, families and high wage earners with a lot of moving parts for over 25 years. if there is one thing that our experience has taught us is that there is always something new coming around corner. Whether that is a new Tax strategy, business strategy, loophole or just a new shiny object to get your attention, we have to be ready for it. That is why the Illuminare team is made up of trusted advisors and business strategists whom we personally know and have developed long term relationships with, based on their honesty, integrity and ability to accomplish our clients goals.
Surrounded by our team, and to prepare for the known and unknown of our clients needs, we have created our own version of an organizational plan. We call it the Illuminare playbook. Our playbook includes the many directions and plays we see as the right ones based on whether you need basic fundamentals because you are just getting started or you are a seasoned professional getting ready to head into a new direction. In business as in baseball, while the playbook is a good starting point it is the ability to pivot, adapt and customize those plays where the Illuminate team truly excels.
Our individualized process focuses on you, your needs, wants, expectations and ultimately our ability to provide the guidance, strategy and execution to accomplish your goals.
Our Playbook is complete with the following services:
Accounting and reporting
Bill paying
Compliance and risk management
Insurance review and implementation
Captive/Self insurance tax and accounting
Data management
Banking and Finance
Business strategy through execution
Aviation acquisition, disposition and management
Boat and Yacht Management
Real estate acquisition, disposition and management
Collection and valuables management
Human resource services
Document management
Investment management
Income tax planning, compliance and strategy
Specialized services and family education
Philanthropic planning
Wealth advisory
So, whether you are beginning your journey into the big league of financial independence or have attained the level you are comfortable with our playbook has you covered.

Telephone: (949) 474-8500
email: info@IlluminareMG.com
Fax: (949) 474-8510
1401 Quail Street, Suite 140​
Newport Beach, CA 92660